Teradata Utilities are:
1. BTEQ (Basic Teradata Query)
Basic Teradata Query is a general purpose program that acn be use to submit data, commands ans SQL statements to Teradata RDBMS.
2. C/COBOL/PL/I preprocessors
If we use embedded SQL to develop client applications, you need these tools to pre compile the programs.
3. CLI (Client Level Interface)
4. ODBC (Online Database Conncetion)
6. Achieve/Restore data to/from tape (ASF2)
7. Queryman
Queryman is based on ODBC, you can logon through a DSN and enter any SQL statement to manipulate the data in database.
8. Fastload
9. Mulitload
10. Fast Export
11. Open Teradata Backup (OTB)
12. Tpump
13. Teradata manager
14. WinDDI
Architecture of Teradata:
1. CA - Client Application
2. CLI - Call Level Interface
3. TDP - Teradata direct Program
4. MTDP - Micro Teradata Directory Program
5. MOSI - Micro Operating System Independent
6. PDE - Parallel Data Extension
7. PE - Parsing Engine
8. AMP - Access Module Processor
9. VD - Virtual Disk
1. CA: It is a low level interface which request response, blocking and unblocking
2. CLI: It is the high level component which does the above operations.
i) Start creating session
ii) Stopping the session
iii) Balances the multiple session
Advantages of Teradata compared to Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
1. Architecture: Share Nothing
2. Processes: Millions of Instructions/sec
3. Stores: Billion of rows [Terabytes to Petabytes]
4. Bulk Load Facility: many
5. Parallelism: unconditional
6. Indexes: Better Storage [Distribution] and fast retrival
7. Designed for Datawarehouse (DWH), Data Mart (DM), Online Transaction Process (OLTP), Online Analytical Process (OLTP), DSS
1. Shared Everything
2. Millions of rows (GB -- TB)
3. Limited
5. Conditional
6. Fast Retreval
Features of Teradata:
1. An open system which executes on UNIX, Windows 2000, XP etc.,
2. Compatible with ANSI standards
3. Runs on single or multiple nodes
4. Built in parallelism
BTEQ Sessions:
A BTEQ session provides a quick and easy way to access a Teradata RDBMS. In a BTEQ session, you can do
1. Enter Teradata SQL statements to view, add, modify and delete data.
2. Enter BTEQ commands
3. Enter operating system (VM, MVS, DOS) commands.
4. Create and use Teradata stored procedure from a BTEQ session
BTEQ session modes
Interactive mode: start a BTEQ session and submit commands to the database as needed.
Batch mode: prepare scripts or macros and then submit them to BTEQ for processing
Characeristics of Teradata
1. Relational
2. Large Capacity dataabase design
3. Performance
4. Single data Store for multiple client
5. Network connectivity
6. Standard Access Language
7. Manageable growth
8. Fault tolerance
9. Data Integrity
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