It's an object which allows to define the business logic for processing the data.
There are two types of Transformations
1. Active Transformation:
An Active Transformation can change the number of rows that pass through the transformation, change the transaction boundary, can change the rqow type.
2. Passive Transformation:
A Passive Transformation does not change the number of rows that pass through it, maintains the transaction boundary and maintains the row type.
Types of Transformations
1) Filter Transformation
2) Sorter Transformation
3) Aggregator Transformation
4) Joiner Transformation
5) Lookup Transformation
6) Router Transformation
List of Active Transformations:
i) Source Qualifier Transformation
ii) Aggregator Transformation
iii) Filter Transformation
iv) Rank Transformation
v) Joiner Transformation
vi) Router Transformation
vii) Normalizer Transformation
viii) Update Strategy Transformation
ix) Sorter Transformation
x) ERP Source Qualifier Transformation
xi) Advanced External Procedure Transformation
List of Passive Transformation:
i) Expression Transformation
ii) Sequence Generate Transformation
iii) Lookup Transformation
iv) Stored Procedure Transformation
v) XML Source Qualifier Transformation
vi) External Procedure Transformation
vii) Input Transformation (Mapplet)
viii) Output Transformation (Mapplet)
1. Source Qualifer: It reads data from flat file and relational sources
2. XML Source Qualifier: Reads XML data
3. Normalizer: It re organizes records from VSAM, Relational and Flat File
4. Expression: It performs row-level calculations
5. Aggregator: It perfoms aggregate calculations
6. Filter: It drops rows conditionally
7. Router: It splits rows conditionally
8. Sorter: Sorts data from any source, at any point in a data flow
9. Update Strategy: It tags rows for insert, update, delete, reject
10. Lookup: It looks up values and passes them to other objects
11. Joiner: It joins heterogeneous sources
12. Stored Procedure: It calls a database stored procedure
13. Sequence generator: Generates unique ID values for any port on a row
14. Rank: It limits records to the top or bottom of a range
Components of Informatica
1. Define Transformation process known as mapping (Designer)
2. Define run-time properties for a mapping, known as sessions (Work flow Manager)
3. Monitor execution of sessions (Work flow Monitor)
4. Mange repository, useful for administrators (Repository Manager)
5. Report Meta data (Meta data Reporter)
--> Informatica Power Center Repository
Repository is the heart of informatica tools. Repository is a kind of data inventory where all the data related to mapping, sources, targets etc., is kept. This is the place where all the meta data for the application is stored. All the client tools and informatica server fetch data from repository. Informatica client and server is same as a PC without memory/hard disk, which has got the ability to process data but has no data to process. This can be treated as back end of Informatica.
--> Informatica Power Center Server
Server is the place where all the executions takes place. Server makes physical connections to sources/targets, fetches data, applies the transformations mentioned in the mapping and loads the data in the target system
Brief introduction of Informatica interface
1. Repository
This is where all the meta data information is stored in the informatica suite. The Power Center Client and the Repository Server would access this repository to retrieve, store and manage meta data.
2. Designer
Source Analyzer, Target Designer, Transformation Developer, Mapping Designer are the tools reside within the Designer wizard.
Designer consists of above sub parts. They are:
a) Source Analyzer: It is used for extracting meta data from source systems
b) Target Designer: It is used for extracting meta data from target systems
c) Transformation Developer: Transformations help to transformations help to transform the source data according to the requirements of the target system. Sorting, Filtering, Aggregation, Joining are some of the examples of transformation. Transformations ensure the quality of the data being loaded into the target and this is done during the mapping process from the source to target.
d) Mapplet Designer: It is a reusable transformation where you can have a number of transformations as source aggregator, sorter, look up etc (not joiner target normalize) which you can use in any mapping.
e) Mapping Designer: It is used to create mapping between sources and targets. Mapping is a pictorial representation about the flow of data from source to target.
Warehouse Designer is used for extracting meta data from target systems or meta data can be created in the Designer itself.
3. Work flow Manager:
Work flow manager helps to load data from source to target in a sequential manner. For example, if the fact tables are loaded before the look up tables, then the target system will pop up an error message since the fact table is violating the foreign key validation. To avoid this, work flows can be created to ensure the correct flow of data from source to target.
Work flow Manager sub divided into three parts
a) Task Developer
b) Worklet Designer
c) Work flow designer
4. Work flow monitor:
This monitor is helpful in monitoring and tracking the work flows created in each Power Center Server.
A shared nothing architecture (SN) is a distributed computing architecture in which each node is independent and self-sufficient, and there is no single point of contention across the system. People typically contrast SN with systems that keep a large amount of centrally-stored state information, whether in a database, an application server, or any other similar single point of contention.
It's an object which allows to define the business logic for processing the data.
There are two types of Transformations
1. Active Transformation:
An Active Transformation can change the number of rows that pass through the transformation, change the transaction boundary, can change the rqow type.
2. Passive Transformation:
A Passive Transformation does not change the number of rows that pass through it, maintains the transaction boundary and maintains the row type.
Types of Transformations
1) Filter Transformation
2) Sorter Transformation
3) Aggregator Transformation
4) Joiner Transformation
5) Lookup Transformation
6) Router Transformation
List of Active Transformations:
i) Source Qualifier Transformation
ii) Aggregator Transformation
iii) Filter Transformation
iv) Rank Transformation
v) Joiner Transformation
vi) Router Transformation
vii) Normalizer Transformation
viii) Update Strategy Transformation
ix) Sorter Transformation
x) ERP Source Qualifier Transformation
xi) Advanced External Procedure Transformation
List of Passive Transformation:
i) Expression Transformation
ii) Sequence Generate Transformation
iii) Lookup Transformation
iv) Stored Procedure Transformation
v) XML Source Qualifier Transformation
vi) External Procedure Transformation
vii) Input Transformation (Mapplet)
viii) Output Transformation (Mapplet)
1. Source Qualifer: It reads data from flat file and relational sources
2. XML Source Qualifier: Reads XML data
3. Normalizer: It re organizes records from VSAM, Relational and Flat File
4. Expression: It performs row-level calculations
5. Aggregator: It perfoms aggregate calculations
6. Filter: It drops rows conditionally
7. Router: It splits rows conditionally
8. Sorter: Sorts data from any source, at any point in a data flow
9. Update Strategy: It tags rows for insert, update, delete, reject
10. Lookup: It looks up values and passes them to other objects
11. Joiner: It joins heterogeneous sources
12. Stored Procedure: It calls a database stored procedure
13. Sequence generator: Generates unique ID values for any port on a row
14. Rank: It limits records to the top or bottom of a range
Components of Informatica
1. Define Transformation process known as mapping (Designer)
2. Define run-time properties for a mapping, known as sessions (Work flow Manager)
3. Monitor execution of sessions (Work flow Monitor)
4. Mange repository, useful for administrators (Repository Manager)
5. Report Meta data (Meta data Reporter)
--> Informatica Power Center Repository
Repository is the heart of informatica tools. Repository is a kind of data inventory where all the data related to mapping, sources, targets etc., is kept. This is the place where all the meta data for the application is stored. All the client tools and informatica server fetch data from repository. Informatica client and server is same as a PC without memory/hard disk, which has got the ability to process data but has no data to process. This can be treated as back end of Informatica.
--> Informatica Power Center Server
Server is the place where all the executions takes place. Server makes physical connections to sources/targets, fetches data, applies the transformations mentioned in the mapping and loads the data in the target system
Brief introduction of Informatica interface
1. Repository
This is where all the meta data information is stored in the informatica suite. The Power Center Client and the Repository Server would access this repository to retrieve, store and manage meta data.
2. Designer
Source Analyzer, Target Designer, Transformation Developer, Mapping Designer are the tools reside within the Designer wizard.
Designer consists of above sub parts. They are:
a) Source Analyzer: It is used for extracting meta data from source systems
b) Target Designer: It is used for extracting meta data from target systems
c) Transformation Developer: Transformations help to transformations help to transform the source data according to the requirements of the target system. Sorting, Filtering, Aggregation, Joining are some of the examples of transformation. Transformations ensure the quality of the data being loaded into the target and this is done during the mapping process from the source to target.
d) Mapplet Designer: It is a reusable transformation where you can have a number of transformations as source aggregator, sorter, look up etc (not joiner target normalize) which you can use in any mapping.
e) Mapping Designer: It is used to create mapping between sources and targets. Mapping is a pictorial representation about the flow of data from source to target.
Warehouse Designer is used for extracting meta data from target systems or meta data can be created in the Designer itself.
3. Work flow Manager:
Work flow manager helps to load data from source to target in a sequential manner. For example, if the fact tables are loaded before the look up tables, then the target system will pop up an error message since the fact table is violating the foreign key validation. To avoid this, work flows can be created to ensure the correct flow of data from source to target.
Work flow Manager sub divided into three parts
a) Task Developer
b) Worklet Designer
c) Work flow designer
4. Work flow monitor:
This monitor is helpful in monitoring and tracking the work flows created in each Power Center Server.
A shared nothing architecture (SN) is a distributed computing architecture in which each node is independent and self-sufficient, and there is no single point of contention across the system. People typically contrast SN with systems that keep a large amount of centrally-stored state information, whether in a database, an application server, or any other similar single point of contention.
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